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Innovation Management Program - Contact Us

You are warmly welcome with your questions

On this learning journey within innovation, we travel together to create innovative, sustainable, and thriving businesses, organizations, and communities.


For you or your team, this could involve making progress in systematic innovation work —developing new value — creating products, services, experiences, processes, and systems, among much more. 

Call or email us. Engage in a dialogue with us about: What is your next bold step (or small step) in innovation management and in empowering yourself and others as innovation leaders?

We are here to guide you along the way.

Innovation management program

Contact us for a co-creative dialogue

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Daniel Richardsson

Innovations-och processledare

+46 10 516 56 97

Read more about Daniel

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Natalie Gustafsson

Innovations-och processledare

+46 10 516 54 85

Read more about Natalie