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About large scale research infrastructure at RISE

RISE's choice to take on this task follows a multi-annual dialogue with representatives of the facilities and includes also the employment of several technology experts in various neutron- and photon-based techniques, such as imaging, scattering, diffraction, and spectroscopy.

The technology experts are located in Lund and mainly assist researchers and research groups with designing, preparing and conducting experiments at the facilities. But they also assist with the subsequent analyses, by translating data to useful results. The latter often requires a synthesis of data from several different types of experiments and techniques and the work is then conducted in close collaboration with other researchers within RISE, application experts, who contribute their knowledge of the materials or systems studied and results from other techniques.

The strength of RISE's effort is that there is a direct link between technology experts and an increasing number of research environments within RISE. Our technology experts are very experienced in using the techniques in each research area. RISE has also established many valuable contacts with academic research environments, who are leaders in the use and development of techniques related to the materials and systems in question. 

A key task for RISE is to help start and pursue strategic research initiatives together with various industries. The initiatives aim to enhance the potential and strengthen the use of the technologies within companies and the research environments with which they interact. All initiatives are examples of direct interaction with infrastructures, universities, and companies.

It is within the framework of these initiatives that the most effective type of research collaboration, competence building, and technical adaptation of the experimental stations of the facilities take place. Examples of activities include RISE technology experts who help MAX IV staff create, start, and adapt experimental environments and analyses methods so that they are relevant for the current industry-related research.

Another important part of the initiative is to showcase the value of the investments. Trough different pilot projects RISE creates relevant examples of what types of experiments and studies can be done at the facilities. The efforts also include training researchers in the use of different technologies, test environments, and analytical methods. Often, that training takes place through active participation in an experiment.

RISE has the long-term ambition to review the research areas in which we are active and to build skills to use the technologies in both research projects and commercially funded assignments.

RISE has received funding since 2018, set aside by Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) to facilitate and increase the participation and use of SciLifeLab, Max IV and ESS research infrastructures. The funds will be used to develop skills and capacity, to guide and support users from the business and public sectors, and to attract new users. The aim is to increase the participation and use of research infrastructure by external actors.