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Measuring and optimising for greater human and social sustainability in cities

Residential segregation, exclusion and deteriorating public health are challenges that characterise many cities today. There is also a clear link between urban life and increasing mental health problems. Short-term strategies, lack of incentives and unclear goals are a significant part of the problem. RISE has extensive knowledge and innovative methods to understand and address these challenges. Drawing on all the perspectives of community development actors, we work with our clients to create the conditions for improved quality of life in cities and communities.

By introducing new approaches and combining the necessary skills and disciplines, we can create a deeper understanding, design and measure different solutions that promote greater social sustainability and inclusion in cities. These range from temporary and small-scale solutions that can deliver quick wins, to long-term efforts that build knowledge and capacity in the place-making planning phase and preventative work to improve well-being and quality of life.

Independent research creates a space for collaboration

We provide in-depth understanding and research-based underpinning for urban development projects at multiple scales, from the smallest site to entire planned neighbourhoods. In many cases, collaboration between different actors is essential to effectively address complex issues. As an independent actor, we have the ability and power to facilitate collaborations that can address the complex challenges facing cities and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities for the future through interdisciplinary expertise.

Measurability ensures the right investments

By focusing on measurable outcomes, we can ensure that our clients invest in the right activities and avoid ineffective efforts. Our services include, for example 

  • urban development to promote good living conditions
  • enriched living environments to promote well-being 
  • support for social development in vulnerable areas
  • socio-economic calculations and evaluations of interventions 
  • measurement and follow-up of the impact of interventions
  • early and preventive interventions to promote public health
  • design of social outcome contracts to promote positive outcomes 
  • analysis and implementation support for security interventions 

We also offer inspirational talks, training and expert or second opinion support for early planning.

Contact us to discuss how we can work together to create sustainable and inclusive cities for the future.

Contact us!

Do you have questions or need help with how to optimise human and social sustainability in cities? Contact us by submitting the form below, and we will get back to you shortly.

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