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Evaluation of functionality and safety in absorbent materials

There is increasing interest in treated textiles and absorbent materials in products such as wound care, menstrual and incontinence products. By treating the textiles, you can prevent infection, unwanted odors and/or enable longer use or reuse. But how can you be sure that your products meet requirements and expectations?

With broad medical device competence and expertise in material science, life cycle analysis and microbiological safety, we help you ensure that your products meet all requirements and expectations from users, authorities and the market. We can test and analyze for example

  • Absorbent properties: how well your products are able to absorb and hold liquids, and how this affects their comfort and performance.
  • Antimicrobial and/or anti-odour effect: how effective your products are at killing or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, and how this affects their odor and hygiene.
  • Biological compatibility: how well your products are adapted to the users' skin and body, and how they affect their health and well-being.
  • Environmental impact: how your products contribute to reducing the environmental impact, by using less or substituted chemicals, being washable and/or degradable or recycled.


Some of the standards we test against:

  • Absorbency and related tests according to EN 13726
  • Antimicrobial effect according to e.g. ISO 20743 or AATCC TM100. ISO 20743 or AATCC TM100
  • Biocompatibility according to ISO 10993
    • Biological Evaluation Plan (ISO 10993-1)
    • Cytotoxicity (ISO 10993-5 according to GLP)
    • Skin Irritation (ISO 10993-10 according to GLP)
    • Chemical Characterization and Toxicological Evaluation (ISO 10993-17/18 according to ISO 17025)
  • Material evaluation, e.g:
    • Abrasion resistance (EN ISO 12947; EN ISO 13934)
    • Permeability (EN ISO 11092)
    • Ageing (accelerated controlled climatic ageing to simulate time ageing; accredited washing and drying processes; simulated controlled use in the form of mechanical processing with or without dirt)
  • Comfort (friction, thermal insulation, bending stiffness, drape, "Moisture Management" etc.)
  • Absorption etc. e.g. according to EN ISO 9073 for nonwoven products
  • Personal tests in climate chambers (possibility to register moisture and temperature in different places in garments and products on or in connection with the human body during activity or rest in climate rooms)
  • Odor analysis according to SNV 195 651 (Panel odour test)

We also offer advice on biocides and related legislation.


Contact us today for more information on how we can help you make your products safe and sustainable for users and the environment.

Sara Bogren

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Sara Bogren


+46 70 915 18 08

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Lene Jul Östblom

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Lene Jul Östblom


+46 10 228 48 93

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