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Energy poverty - PhD project

Energy poverty is a relatively new term in Sweden and needs to be mapped conceptually, geographically and in policy. This project is based on previous research in the group that worked with building stock analysis at RISE to map energy poverty in Sweden, as support for Swedish authorities as well as academic contribution.

Sweden has previously had low energy costs and mostly rents which include heating costs. With a relatively strong social policy, the authorities have not seen a need to distinguish energy poverty from other forms of poverty. But as energy prices have skyrocketed for a number of different reasons in the past two years, energy poverty has flared up as an important area both for Swedish authorities and in research.

Jenny von Platten's doctoral project (between RISE and LTH) partially investigated energy poverty. However, there are several new research questions that need to be answered in relation to energy poverty in Sweden. This new doctoral project is based on the following subsequent research questions:

  1. Mapping of energy poverty
    • How should energy poverty be measured?
    • What geographical, technical and legal conditions (varying energy costs, varying heating systems and cold rent in the multi-dwelling stock) exist?
    • How does energy poverty relate to other types of poverty?
  2. Policy overview
    • What risks are there for shutdowns / can you protect against shutdowns?
    • To what extent do laws and guidelines protect the most disadvantaged? The electricity price supports that were/are, how well have they hit?
  3. How can the results of research questions 1 and 2 be translated into an evidence-based decision basis for policy development within authorities?


Project name

Energy poverty



RISE role in project

Coordination and execution

Project start


4 years of PhD studies

Total budget

4000 000 SEK


Malmö Universitet

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

1. No poverty
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
Mikael Mangold

Contact person

Mikael Mangold


+46 70 297 97 78

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