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IDOSUSCON: a case study on meat substitutes and psychology

To achieve more sustainable food consumption, it is important that consumers reduce their meat consumption in favor of plant-based alternatives. IDOSUSCON is a project focusing on identifying and understanding the barriers people experience to plant-based protein products.

The last ten years the steady increase of meat consumption has subsided but given the 50 years of unprecedented increase in meat consumption prior, this is not enough.

Earlier investigations show that obstacles to decreasing meat consumption can be divided into three types: 1) affective, i.e., how we feel about the product; 2) cognitive, i.e., how we think about the product and the information on e.g., labels, and 3) the sensory profile, e.g., how the food tastes and smells.

The main objective of IDUSUSCON is to obtain knowledge on how to increase the consumption of vegetarian alternatives, with meat substitutes as a case study.

Using a transdisciplinary approach covering economics, psychology, and sensory science we aim for a more holistic understanding of the obstacles facing the consumer.


Project name




RISE role in project

Project Leader

Project start


3 years

Total budget

4,440,185 SEK



Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
Elizabeth Hörlin

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Elizabeth Hörlin


+46 10 516 65 66

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Penny Bergman

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Penny Bergman


+46 70 526 57 40

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