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As greater investments are made in lifelong learning and skills-enhancing initiatives for professionals, it becomes increasingly important that these initiatives can be documented in a cohesive whole. The project aims to develop a pilot, a model, and a digital infrastructure to make micro-credentials visible and beneficial to all actors.

A majority of all learning is informal and is not visible at all when the "competence map" is to be drawn, neither for the individual nor the employer. It particularly affects those individuals with many shorter educations or those who lack complete formal education.

This project aims to develop a test pilot that will eventually be developed into a national model for digitized documentation of learning linked to, and compatible with EU work in the field, which can coexist with formal existing documentation models today for formal grades and databases. The project also aims to establish a digital infrastructure to support lifelong learning, along with other measures.

The test pilot covers formal and non-formal learning at different levels, and via validation, of different lengths and with different training coordinators. The pilot aims to co-exist with existing systems of complete formal qualifications and with short-term qualifications carried out outside the formal education system.

In this way, individuals’ knowledge can be utilized, and learning can be structured for the benefit of the individual, employers and the society at large.

Om mikromeriter - En guidebok

Projektet har tagit fram en guidebok vilken ska ge en översikt över vad mikromeriter är och hur de kan användas för att främja både individuell och organisatorisk utveckling.
Guideboken beskriver bla hur mikromeriter kan användas inom olika områden såsom kvalitetssäkring av anställda, karriärutveckling och rekrytering, samt utbildning och utveckling av anställda.

Ta del av innehållet i guideboken Här >> Guidebok Mikromeriter

Supports the UN sustainability goals

4. Quality education
5. Gender equality
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Linnea Svenman Wiker

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Linnea Svenman Wiker


+46 10 228 44 15

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Kristina Söderberg

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Kristina Söderberg


+46 70 631 31 76

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