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Food based on healthy ingredients and rich in nutrients

Nutrition and Health indicators in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Diets affect both health and the environment and are hence key for sustainable development and public health. To make sound decisions on food choices, methods that combine environmental, nutritional and health impacts need to be developed. The project aims at identifying nutritional indexes to be used within the Life Cycle assessment (LCA) frame.

The hypothesis at the base of the project is that metrics for foods nutritional quality and health impacts can increase the values of food LCA studies by improving and facilitating the evaluation of how food consumption and production can be more sustainable.

The project will delevop clear advice on how to include foods nutritional quality and health impact within LCA studies. The precision and practical usefulness of suggested metrics will be evaluated both scientifically and in communication with the food industry. The indexes studied will  be then validated against health outcomes using epidemiological methods, where data from an established diet intervention (Västerbotten Intervention Study) database will be used.

Suggested metrics will offer stakeholders concrete and scientifically based tools that can be used in e.g. product development, communication and strategic decision-making for improving sustainability within the food chain.


Project name

Nutrition Indicators and LCA



RISE role in project


Project start


19 months


Göteborg Universitet - Sahlgrenska Akademi, avdelningen för invärtesmedicin och klinisk nutrition, Orkla Foods Sverige, Arla Foods, Fazer, Kronägg, IKEA


Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
12. Responsible consumption and production
Marta Angela Bianchi

Contact person

Marta Angela Bianchi


+46 10 516 67 42

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