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Wind power's ability to deliver grid services

In the future, wind power needs to provide different kinds of services to the electricity grid. This project analyzes the possibilities in a broader perspective. The focus is on the ability of an entire wind farm to produce both electricity and services to the grid at the same time in the most efficient way.

Wind power has good opportunities to promote the transition towards a sustainable energy system by contributing to all the grid services that SVK needs, to ensure a robust electricity system. For future wind power, it is not enough to delivers electricity when it is windy. Wind power also needs to support the electricity grid when needed.

Wind power's ability and incentives to provide grid services relate to economics. In order to provide flexible power production, some form of power limitation of the wind power's available power is required. The compensation for grid services must exceed the value of the energy not produced.

In addition, the specific grid services must be quantifiable, predictable and remain available for the time required for each service. This means that the ability to predict wind conditions is important.

Another aspect is the possibility of life savings, which might be a positive consequence of longer power limitations of the park's production, as loads and wear are reduced on the entire structure.


The project will analyze these issues and develop methods for appropriate power curtailments and how these can be quantified. An algorithm will be developed to maximize revenue from both the electricity and grid support markets.

The purpose of this project is to:

  • increase wind power's contribution to the various grid services that SVK procures.
  • demonstrate the potential and costs of a wind farm to provide grid services.
  • demonstrate how different turbines in the park can and should work together to deliver a stable and predictable combination of electricity and grid services.
  • show how wind power can be a partial resource in an aggregated portfolio of resources.

It provides increased robustness in the electricity system and reduces periods of negative electricity prices, which generate unnecessary wear and tear on production units.

Results from the project will primarily be used by project developers and investors, who can thereby demonstrate how their wind farms can generate more revenues than from electricity production alone and help to ensure a robust electricity system.


Project name




RISE role in project


Project start


3 år

Total budget

5 046 000


OX2, Tekniska Verken i Linköping, Karlstads Energi, Kraftringen



Project members

Anders Wickström

Contact person

Anders Wickström

Senior Projektledare

+46 10 516 67 02

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Saptarshi Sarkar

Contact person

Saptarshi Sarkar


+46 10 722 32 76

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