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Our benefits and support

Working with us should feel both challenging and rewarding. The basis for a good working life at RISE involves, among other things, continuous learning, balance in life and flexible benefits to suit you and your life situation.

For a working life that develops with you

At RISE, we share the curiosity and desire to continue learning and growing. You are responsible for your career, and together we set your development goals through an open dialogue. For example, goals and actions can be individual skills development, the opportunity for internal mobility, collaboration and knowledge exchange across fields. After all, RISE is based on facing the future and its challenges.

Benefits with a focus on flexibility

RISE has a collectively bargained agreement and flexible benefits to suit your life and you as an individual. For example, as a full-time employee at RISE, you get 10,000 SEK each year to spend on personal benefits, which includes 4,000 SEK earmarked for wellness. Among other things, you could use your benefit “pot” to create a more ergonomically sustainable workplace at home – buying a desk, an office chair or an external monitor.

Personlig förmånspott Ikon

Personal benefit “pot”

Friskvårdsbidrag Ikon

Wellness allowance

Timbank ikon

Flexible bank of hours

At RISE we like to do things together. That is why we have the Together Fund. Any employee can apply for funds for group wellness activities over and above the individual activities offered in the benefits portal. We also provide our employees with a time bank to be utilised as it suits you because we understand that flexibility is vital for a sustainable working life.

RISE employees are covered by a collectively bargained pension and insurance (ITP) that is on par with the market.

With consideration for both working life and making life work. 

To be and remain an attractive employer, we care about and consider your needs and particular situation in life. A recent graduate may be ready to take on lots of exciting challenges. A few years later, making life work smoothly may be the big challenge. We can usually find a solution. The most important thing for us is to create conditions for our employees so they want to and can perform at their very best.