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About the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing

When additive manufacturing was introduced in the 1980s, it was hailed as the start of the “Third Industrial Revolution”, and over the past decades we have witnessed impressive technological advancements. To support the manufacturing industry in embracing the technology and further the Swedish adoption of it, RISE joined hands with industrial partners and academia and founded the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing (AM Center). By partnering with stakeholders across the entire additive manufacturing ecosystem, we aim to facilitate the transition to a sustainable industry.

The centre has grown rapidly since its start in 2021, and now houses a wide range of expertise and equipment. Together with our partners we have engaged in projects spanning everything from innovative modelling strategies to the interplay between flexibility and robustness in different additive manufacturing processes. We have explored the possibilities of large-scale robotic AM, found ways to deal with post-processing issues and investigated options for mass production in various materials. Yet, we have only scratched the surface.

From science to industrial benefit

As a research institute, we base everything we do on science, which is why our collaboration with academia across Sweden and Europe is of great importance. Building upon this foundation, our attention is now directed towards transforming scientific knowledge into practical industrial use, or “bridging the valley of death”. In many cases, this process involves close cooperation with our industrial partners.

RISE aims to aid all industrial and public sectors/companies who seek to deepen their understanding of additive manufacturing and explore its different solutions to strengthen their market position.


The Application Center for Additive Manufacturing is run by RISE together with the centre's partners and through support from the Västra Götaland region, Vinnova and the European Regional Development Fund. While physically located at RISE in Mölndal, it leverages the full extent of the research institute's expertise and knowledge.

EU, Vinnova, VGR
Photo: AM-center
Marie-Louise Bergholt

Contact person

Marie-Louise Bergholt

Director Application Center for Additive Manufacturing

+46 10 516 60 85

Read more about Marie-Louise

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