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Events and courses at the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing

To democratize additive manufacturing and provide equal opportunities for everyone to benefit from the full potential of the technology, it is important to share knowledge, experiences, success stories, and less successful stories. That is why the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing regularly extends invitations to a range of webinars, seminars, and conferences.

The majority of the events organized by the AM Center are public, meaning they are open to everyone. However, certain events are reserved solely for our partner companies. (read more about partnership here).

You can find our past and upcoming conferences, events, and courses in the menu on the right, and in the calendar below.

Marie-Louise Bergholt

Contact person

Marie-Louise Bergholt

Director Application Center for Additive Manufacturing

+46 10 516 60 85

Read more about Marie-Louise

Contact Marie-Louise
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Ann-Charlotte Borggren

Contact person

Ann-Charlotte Borggren


+46 10 228 47 18

Read more about Ann-Charlotte

Contact Ann-Charlotte
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