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Powder Bed Fusion: A precision metal additive manufacturing technique

At RISE, in collaboration with our industrial partners at the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing, we delve into diverse aspects and the entire workflow of powder bed fusion-LB, spanning from design through manufacturing to innovative post-processing routes.

Powder bed fusion, which utilizes various energy sources such as laser beams and electron beams, is renowned as one of the most widely adopted metal additive manufacturing processes. At RISE, we strive to elevate the standards by implementing precision additive manufacturing techniques and addressing all challenges associated with this cutting-edge technology. Our research encompasses a broad range of applications, including but not limited to biomaterials, tool manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, and nuclear energy. The primary goal is to present a sustainable manufacturing method that moves towards zero waste and contributes to a greener society.

RISE provides solutions for the entire PBF-LB manufacturing chain from Design for AM to process development and state-of-the-art post-processing.

  • Design: 3D CAD, Design for AM, 3D scan
  • Data Preparation: Print file, Simulation, Slicing
  • AM Process: Production, Monitoring
  • Post process: Heat treatment, Support removal, Surface finish
  • Quality Control: Microstructure, Non-destructive, Performance

SLM 125 HL

The SLM 125 HL was the first metal AM machine to be acquired by RISE back in 2015. Over the years, the machine has successfully processed a wide range of materials and components and has acted as a driver for the industry in their adoption of AM. Using a single 400 W fiber laser, the SLM 125 HL is a compact and robust machine for material, parameter, and application development and acts as a precursor to full-scale production.

As suggested by the name, the build volume is 125 x 125 x 125 mm, which provides excellent opportunities for parameter development using small volumes of powder. The build volume can even be further reduced if so should be desired (50 x 50 x 50 mm). In this machine, we usually print in layers ranging from 30 – 75 µm with the possibility to heat the build plate up to 200 degrees Celsius or even higher in special cases. This machine is suitable for smaller applications, prototypes, and test samples. At RISE we have developed process parameters for various ranges of functional and novel materials and composites.

SLM 280 Twin

Our SLM 280 Twin machine was acquired in 2018 as a complement to the SLM 125 HL in an effort to further support and strengthen the use of AM in Swedish industry and bridge the gap between research and application. Offering a build volume of 280 x 280 x 315 mm, the SLM 280 can produce functional parts from large complex structures to test pieces. Utilizing the 2 x 400 W fiber lasers, the machine can produce components with high speed and accuracy, both of which can be tailored further to suit the specific application.

At RISE, we process several materials such as aluminum alloys, steels of various grades, Ni-based superalloys and even materials such as bronze using the L-PBF process. The flexibility of the PBF-LB process allows us to quickly change between materials and we can offer a wide range of processing options to ensure a satisfying resulting component.

Saeed Khademzadeh

Contact person

Saeed Khademzadeh


+46 10 722 32 34

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