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SLS – For serial production in plastic

SLS, or Selective Laser Sintering, is a 3D printing technique that builds objects layer by layer by melting thermoplastic powder. A fine layer of powder is evenly distributed across the building surface, and a laser fuses the plastic on selected parts of each layer, shaping the final component.

SLS is one of the most flexible 3D printing techniques on the market when it comes to complex geometries, supporting a wide range of materials, although primarily polyamides. Moreover, the process is cost-effective compared to many other 3D printing techniques, making it possible to produce large batches of components.

How it works

This technique functions by spreading a thin layer of powder, usually polyamide, onto a platform. Next, a laser scans the material, fusing the powder into a solid state. This layer-by-layer process continues until the object is fully constructed. It is then removed from the build chamber, cleaned of unmelted powder using a Fuse Sift cleaning station (machine-dependent), and ready for use.

No support structures 

SLS is unique because it doesn't require support structures to uphold the shape of the object during the building process. This capability enables the creation of complex and intricate forms.

The Application Center for Additive Manufacturing possesses a Fuse 1 from Formlabs.

Facts about Fuse 1 

Manufacturer: Formlabs
Build volume: 159,2 x 159,2 x 295,5 mm
Materials: Nylon 12, Nylon 11, Nylon 12 Glass fiber, TPU 90A

Changing the material necessitates approximately one working day for machine cleaning.

Samuel X Johansson

Contact person

Samuel X Johansson


+46 73 584 36 45

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