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Test and demonstration – realize your ideas in additive manufacturing

Once your 3D model is complete and has been evaluated, the subsequent stage involves the actual fabrication of the design. This entails manufacturing the component while considering all requirements for form, function, and material, as well as any potential limitations in the manufacturing process. Throughout the manufacturing process, data will be collected to enable a thorough analysis and gain insights into the production process. This information will help identify potential areas for improvement to ensure that component requirements are met and high-quality outputs are achieved.

Depending on the requirements, there may be a need to refine and enhance the printing strategy, which involves a detailed analysis of process parameters and an additional development loop. This step is crucial to ensure that your specific geometry meets the defined geometrical, mechanical, and thermal properties. The realization phase encompasses not only the printing itself but also post operations such as machining, heat treatment, and surface modifications.

Characterization is a must

After the production of a test object/component, regardless of which discipline, it is necessary to perform characterization to ensure the desired outcome in terms of mechanical, thermal, corrosion, microstructure, and dimensional accuracy. Furthermore, analyses such as cleanliness, biocompatibility, biological safety, and functionality are crucial for medical devices. When assessing and determining the suitability of a complete production process, all the various pre-, print- and post-processes must be taken into account. The Application Center for Additive Manufacturing provides assistance and support at every stage of the process.


Our services in test and demonstration 

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Rikard Norling

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