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PFAS analysis
RISE offers various tests for analysis of PFAS in materials, goods, articles, products, water, soil and food. There is no method that measures all PFAS, but depending on what you want to know, we will choose the appropriate method(s). Contact us and we will help you.
Quantification of total fluorine by combustion ion chromatography (CIC)
The total fluorine concentration can give an indication of the amount of added PFAS in a material or product. The sample is analysed immediately after combustion and also captures polymeric PFAS. A concentration limit of 50 ppm (µg F/g) is set to include polymeric PFAS in the broad PFAS restriction proposal. If the total fluorine concentration exceeds 50 ppm, pyrolysis GC/MS can be used to verify that the fluorine originates from PFAS.
The sample is combusted by pyrolysis and the fragments (smaller molecules) formed are separated in a gas chromatograph and detected in a mass spectrometer. The method is traditionally used for the analysis of polymeric materials and has proven to be able to detect fluoropolymers such as PTFE both as pure material and as an additive in lower concentrations. The method can also distinguish the structure of fluorinated side-chain polymers in textile impregnation and fluorinated carbons in ski wax. This method also applies direct combustion of the sample without an extraction step.
A methodology with focus on detecting polymeric PFAS that many products contain was developed within the POPFREE Industry project and has been summarized in a scientific article. See link to published pre-print below (manuscript has been accepted in the journal Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts). The work was also presented at Fluoros 2023 (the poster is available as a pdf under more information to the right).
Target analysis of specific PFAS-substances
This method is the traditional method for the analysis of specific PFAS substances and can quantify low concentrations below 25 ppb (ng/g) which is the regulated level of PFOA. RISE offers analysis of many different PFAS substances. The method is used for the analysis of PFAS substances in water, soil and snow which usually contain low concentrations of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCA) and perfluorosulfonic acids (PFSA) and to check compliance PFAS substances in products that are regulated today such as PFOA, PFOS, PFHxS and the longer perfluorinated carboxylic acids from C9-C14 whose content must not exceed 25 ppb. The sample is extracted with solvents that are concentrated and then analyzed by LC-MS/MS.
Analysis of total oxidizable precursors (TOPA)
PFAS analysis of common PFAS substances with LC-MS/MS after oxidative conversion (TOP) that captures potential hard-to-measure and unidentified precursors of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) and sulfonic acids (PFSAs). The method captures PFAS substances that can be degraded to PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS where the concentration of these substances must not exceed 1000 ppm according to the POPs regulation after oxidation (substances that can degrade to PFOA are PFOA-related substances). Unknown precursors to PFOA can be captured with this method.
Extractable organic fluorine (EOF)
The sample is extracted with methanol, followed by filtration and combustion of the methanol extract. The concentration of fluorine is quantified by ion chromatography (the same method as for the determination of total fluoride above but with an extraction step to capture only organic fluoride). Polymeric PFAS have proven difficult to be capture by this method and are better suited for direct combustion.
PFAS analysis according to OEKO-TEX
Specific PFAS substances are analysed according to OEKO-TEX guidelines. Contact Ingegerd Hartmann directly if you are interested in OEKO-TEX certification.
Links to presentations including PFAS analysis
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