Ideation & Consulting
Sustainable composite manufacturing
Do you have a project idea that you don’t know how to realize? Or are you already an established industry supplier but want to enter a new segment? Maybe you have encountered new sustainability requirements from your customers? In the test bed for sustainable composite manufacturing, we support you throughout the entire development process - from idea to production.
Investing in the development of a new material, product or manufacturing method can create competitive advantages but also involves taking risks, both in terms of time and money.
We offer support in developing, testing and verifying your ideas and turning them into production-ready solutions. We shorten your time-to-market by quickly scaling up and becoming your temporary R&D team, with all the expertise and equipment that you need - for as long as you need it.
Our expertise spans the entire development chain for sustainable composites - from material, manufacturing techniques and processes to testing and verification. We ensure that you have the delivery capacity that the customer requires, when it's time for scale up.
We can help you with point efforts, such as testing a new material or process, or provide tailor-made support throughout each step of the product development process.
Our expertise covers the entire development chain for sustainable composites - from materials, manufacturing techniques and processes to testing and verification. We ensure that you have the delivery capacity that the customer requires, when it really matters.
We help both startups, small and medium-sized suppliers and end manufacturers in applications ranging from airplanes, vehicles and boats to wind turbines and sports equipment.
Your ideas are safe with us. We protect your work through an NDA and at the end of an assignment, you own the IPR.
Vi kvalitetssäkrar dina idéer. Vilket problem eller behov vill du lösa eller tillgodose? Vilka egenskaper och funktioner ska produkten ha? Vilka utmaningar och risker kan du stöta på i utvecklingsprocessen?
I dessa tätt sammansvetsade steg i utvecklingskedjan hjälper vi dig att göra material- och designval anpassat till förutsättningar och kravspec. Du kan också få hjälp med att hitta nya användningsområden för befintligt material och process.
Vi hjälper dig att förutsäga komponentens mekaniska egenskaper innan den går i produktion. Du erbjuds möjligheten till virtuell tillverkning vilket minimerar behovet av fullskaleprov med en sänkt kostnad / lägre risk som följd.
Vi verifierar och testar materialegenskaper, verktyg och verktygsfunktioner. När vi redan i ett tidigt skede intrimmar en process, minimeras kostsamma ändringar längre fram.
Är du intresserad av att använda kompositmaterial? Vi stödjer företag som redan arbetar med kompositer eller vill ersätta ett befintligt material med komposit. Oavsett bransch och storlek erbjuder vi expertis längs hela värdekedjan. Hos oss kan du få hjälp med punktinsatser, få stöd längs hela utvecklingskedjan, eller delta i något av våra forskningsprojekt.
Vill du bolla idéer? Här kan du boka in ett kort möte med mig direkt!
Require material strength & stiffness
Composites can be both stronger and have higher stiffness than traditional materials, such as plastic or metal.
Require lower weight
Composites can be a way to reinforce weak points without requiring large volume or adding extra weight.
Require corrosion resistance
Composites are very resistant to corrosion, which makes them an ideal choice for applications where they are exposed to moisture or other corrosive substances.
Require long service life
Composites have good fatigue properties which make them extra suitable in products with requirements for long service life.
Require design and appearance
Composites can be shaped into complex shapes, which can give your customer a unique product with flexible design.
Require circularity & sustainability
Composites provide lower weight, which reduces fuel consumption and more energy-efficient production. Sustainable composites contain a higher proportion of renewable natural resource compared to traditional materials, which reduces the extraction of virgin raw material.
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