Contact person
Susanne Nylén
Innovations- och processledare
Contact SusanneThe project will establish a long-term platform to enable increased international collaboration for R&D&I in the industry, academia, and the public sector between Sweden and Brazil.
The focus is to strengthen and broaden the four areas, which have been identified between Sweden and Brazil.
Several activities from matchmaking, networking, and communication will be carried out to strengthen the bilateral cooperation between Sweden and Brazil. The operational objectives of the innovation partners will focus on establishing direct B2B collaborations and bilateral publicly funded research and innovation projects between the countries in the four strategic innovation areas:
SBII-Sweden Brazil Innovation Initiative
Other than Sweden
2 year
5 Milj
Enterprise Europe Network, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, CISB, Business Sweden, Embassy of Sweden (Brasilia), Ignite Sweden, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Karolinska Institutet, Swerim
Sweden Brazil Innovation Initiative
Susanne Nylén Marie Sjölinder Ewellyn Capanema Tomas Anderson Eva Stattin