Contact person
Fredrik Trella
Researcher Developer
Contact FredrikTidernas Göteborg focuses on the explicit roles and use of photography, film and written archives, and how these can be understood, contextualised and mediated through new forms of visualisations. It is part of Gothenburg's 400th anniversary, and within the research center GPS400, together with the University of Gothenburg and the National Archive.
“Tidernas Göteborg” focuses on identifying information and knowledge generated from photographs and films about Gothenburg, and comparing this with information from written archive sources. This is done as a way to increase knowledge about issues related to documentation and mediation of places and the usage of space in a historical perspective: both through classical image analysis, as well as through digital methods such as machine learning algorithms and "big data" analysis. The aim is to apply the methods of digital technology to explore new forms of mediation, interaction and for making this kind of archive material accessible to the general public. This, by opening up for co-creation with a MIL-perspective (Media and Information Litteracy) to both create a broader understanding of the content, and create new contextualized visualizations of Gothenburg's history. The project is carried out as part of the research center GPS400 - Center for Collaborative Visual Research, which is led by the University of Gothenburg.
The project will explore these topics through the following activities:
Tidernas Göteborg
Västra Götaland Region
Project lead
Three years
University of Gothenburg, The Swedish National Archives in Gothenburg, The Hasselblad Foundation
Erna and Victor Hasselblad's Foundation
Fredrik Trella Gabriella Di Feola Erik Einebrant Peter Ljungstrand Jacob Michelsen Martin Törnros Amanda Sundberg