Calibration of colour meters at The National Laboratory
The National Laboratory for Photometry and Radiometry offers calibration of colour meters.
The national laboratories are responsible for maintaining the national reference standards for each measurement quantity and spreading metrological competens and traceability to industry and society at large. The national reference standards are the highest level of traceability in Sweden.
A calibration performed at a national laboratory fullfils all typical traceability and accreditation requirements that commonly exist in industry and society at large.
RISE are able to calibrate most types of colour meters. The calibration is performed using ceramic colour standards in various colours and shades of grey. The calibration is available for multiple measurement geometries e.g. 45°/0°, 8°/t och 8°/d. Other geometries can also be accommodated. We offer both 2° and 10° standard observers as well as standard illuminants A, C and D65.
The calibrations takes place at the laboratory for photometry and radiometry in Borås.
The calibration results are reported in a digital calibration certificate in Swedish or English which states that the calibration was performed at a national laboratory.