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Certification of source separated wastewater fractions

Quality assurance of source separated wastewater fractions according to SPCR 178 is a voluntary commitment. The requirements set by the certification system are controlled by RISE, an independent organisation, which contributes to increasing end users' confidence in the product.


Certification of source separated wastewater fractions (urine, feces, blackwater and brownwater) according to SPCR 178 means that the operator undertakes to, among other things, conduct their operations in a structured and systematic manner, ensure traceability and high quality handling of the separated fractions, and that the resulting wastewater products meet quality requirements regarding hygienization, plant nutrient content and content of selected metals. For source separated wastewater fractions there are no limits on how many persons are allowed to be connected to the wastewater system where the separated fractions originate from.


Prior to certification the operator has to provide some basic information, among other things how the source separated wastewater fractions are handled from collection up until the final delivery of the treated wastewater products, the technical specifications for the treatment system, as well as a description of their self-monitoring program. Through an initial certification audit and review of documents it is examined if the operator meets the requirements of the certification system. After any deviations that have been identified during the initial audit have been rectified a certificate can be issued. In order to maintain the certificate, continuous work is required as is specified in the rules of the certification system. Through yearly supervisory control RISE reviews documents to ensure that the requirements are complied with. Every fifth year a visit is made on-site at the operator.   


After an initial audit and review of documents have been conducted and possible deviations have been rectified a certificate is issued, and an agreement with RISE about further control is established. After certification, the operator may use the certification label (the "P-märke"). RISE then conducts an external review on a yearly which results in a report. 

More information

For a list of certificate holders, see RISE, Certification of source separated wastewater fractions


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P-marking of source separated wastewater fractions (SPCR 178)


Product certification

Delivery level



Price on tender

Delivery time

An initial audit can usually be booked 3-4 weeks in advance.


To initiate a certification of source separated wastewater fractions an application needs to be submitted to RISE. In this application a number of documents need to be attached, these documents are specified in the certification rules and in the application form.

Supports the UN sustainability goals

6. Clean water and sanitation

Contact person

Charlotte Bourghardt


+46 10 516 56 89

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