Contact person
Lars Olsson
Contact LarsThe review identifies, for example, weaknesses and deficiencies that may make it difficult to achieve good moisture safety and the requirements of building regulations. The review may also result in a favorable assessment or in initial guidance for improvement and development. In complex cases, suggestions for deeper analysis are provided.
The review is based on our expert knowledge and practical and theoretical experience of building structures, solutions, materials and the indoor environment. If there is a lack of documentation, weaknesses or deficiencies, we usually provide guidance and point out opportunities. We often recommend this type of review before or in combination with moisture calculation. This type of review can also be useful for type approval and certification.
Many traditional constructions do not meet the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's building regulations. This is partly because the building regulations have been amended and tightened over the past 15 years, and partly because there is more knowledge about defects and faults that have arisen. In addition, requirements for energy conservation have led to increased insulation, which means that traditional structures have become more exposed to harmful moisture conditions.
The service does not replace moisture safety design or type approval/certification but can be useful for these.
The review is reported in a written statement together with any appendices. The work is based on expert knowledge, experience and the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's building regulations. In cases where it is justified and there are relevant references, research etc, reference is made.
It is often an advantage if drawings, description and documentation of designs, solutions, material descriptions and product data are provided.
The review is delivered in a RISE Statement. The statement is signed by the performer and reviewer.