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AI and gamification for greater equality

06 August 2024, 07:16

A one-year initiative to promote equality in the forest industry has taken off with the help of AI and innovative gamification. The project, Top of Mind, run by RISE Research Institute of Sweden in collaboration with Skogstekniska Klustret (The Cluster of Forest Technology) and the company Indexator, aims to develop concrete tools and methods to create a more including work environment.

The project Top of Mind, coordinated by RISE, has carefully mapped the current situation and the equality challenges that exist in industry. The project has now entered the solution phase, where various ideas are being tested to result in a useful prototype and methodological material. Linn Johansson at RISE explains:

— Through a norm-conscious design process, we have together generated a large palette of ideas that have resulted in five concepts that we at RISE are trying to learn more from. In the long run, we will also develop a methodology for working with AI and equality to lower the threshold for companies that are curious to work further with this. 

The project is a co-creative work where employees of companies in the industry actively participate. This is to ensure that the solutions developed are practically applicable and adapted to the needs of the companies.

AI as a tool for equality

AI plays a central role in the project. By using generative AI, the project explores how these technologies can address different drivers and barriers in equality work. Among other things, AI is used to create chatbots that can act as discussion partners, helping to de-dramatize sensitive issues as the interaction is not person-bound.

In addition, they are exploring how AI can be a tool to encourage employees to praise and uplift each other. This can help create a positive and including work environment. The project is also exploring the possibility of using gamification and game methodology - both classic things like collecting points, getting missions and/or competing in equality, but also things like using other drivers and incentives to fulfill needs such as social belonging or safety - to further engage employees and promote equality work both within and between companies.

Focus on the forest industry

There is a particular focus on the forestry and manufacturing industry, a sector that recognizes the importance of and wants to improve its equality performance. Collaboration with companies in the industry is an important part of the project. The aim is to create a continuous process in which not only the HR department but also other employees participate more actively in equality work.

—  What can AI help with, is a question we are working on. In addition to creating a basis for discussion and encouraging messages, we are investigating whether AI can also help to understand context, such as conceptions of equality where different perspectives are important. One challenge, however, is AI's built-in bias and prejudices, and that AI as a tool risks reinforcing norms and ideas we want to change," says Linn.

The roadmap

The results of the project, Top of Mind, will be presented at a final conference on October 16. By then, the work will have been summarized and the methodological material packaged to make it easier for companies to incorporate AI into their development processes.

RISE's role in the project is to test and evaluate what can be learned from this innovative approach. The final prototype and methodology material will help companies work with drivers such as community and safety, which are crucial for an equal workplace.

With this effort, RISE and their partners hope to challenge and broaden the understanding of how AI can be used as a tool for equality, not least in industry. 

Read more: Top of Mind: Gender Equality in the Everyday Industry | RISE

Linn Johansson

Linn Johansson

Innovations- och processledare

+46 10 228 42 68

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