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Environmental and climate friendly management of manure and plant nutrients in agriculture

A resource efficient management of animal manures and other organic residues creates precious plant nutrients and an environmentally friendly agriculture. RISE develops technology and strategies for manure management with the aim to reduce environmental impact from agriculture.

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Resource efficient use of plant nutrients

Manure and other organic fertilizer products are resources in crop production and can decrease the dependence of fossil fuels and input of raw materials. RISE conduct applied research and innovations of technology and methodology to increase the value of plant nutrients in manure. Test and evaluation is often conducted in practice on farms.

Agriculture and impact on environment and climate

RISE use methods for measuring GHG and ammonia emissions to evaluate effects of using new technology in agriculture that can decrease impact on climate and environment. RISE evaluate the effect of different measures for manure storage. In crop production RISE test and evaluate technology for spreading manure.

Co operation with stakeholders and academy

RISE work in close co operation with industry and agriculture with focus on their needs. In our workshop we build prototypes which are evaluated in practice on farms. Many projects are multidisciplinary and in co operation with researchers and experienced stakeholders with the aim to find solutions for complex challenges.

Example of work areas

  • GHG and ammonia emissions from animal manures
  • Re-use of nitrogen and phosphorus from sewage sludge and other organic fertilizer products
  • Process technology for organic materials
  • International standards for plant nutrient management
  • Technology for manure storage
  • Technology for manure spreading
  • Biochar linked to manure management
  • Outdoor animal rearing and impact on risk of plant nutrient losses and GHG emissions
  • New additives to manure
  • Evaluation of new processed manure products
Eva Salomon

Contact person

Eva Salomon

+46 10 516 69 61

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