Contact person
Charlotta Löfström
Contact CharlottaA safe and secure supply of food and drinking water is essential for human life and health. It becomes even more vital during peacetime crisis, increased preparedness and times of war.
The food system is complex. It is based on well-functioning global trade with just-in-time production. Today half of all food – that is every second bite – is imported. Sweden is highly dependent on imports. In times of crisis and war, our nation’s survival is put to the test.
Food security is an important preparedness sector in civil defence. By strengthening civil defence, our ability to handle crisis will increase and our crisis preparedness is strengthened.
Food and drinking water in crisis preparedness and civil defense is about maintaining the sufficient supply to the country's population even when disruptions occur. In the event of a crisis caused by extreme weather, the consequence of, for instance, a closed port can mean interruptions or production losses in the food chain. When essential goods, chemicals, raw materials and inputs are prevented from reaching their destination, food production risks being stopped or reduced.
RISE contributes by supporting industry and the public sector with expertise linked to food and drinking water. In addition to promoting collaboration between different actors, we contribute with theoretical and practical expertise in a variety of areas, such as:
Webbinariet vänder sig till dig som arbetar med beredskapsfrågor i en kommun eller en organisation. I webbinariet får du höra mer om tekniker för att producera lagringsstabila produkter ur ett beredskapsperspektiv och om hur Linköpiings kommun arbetar med frystorkning av mat för ökad beredskap.
Det finns ett stort behov av att öka takten av uppbyggnaden av den moderna civila beredskapen. För att göra det effektivt behövs samarbete. RISE kan stötta kommunerna i frågor så som till exempel framsyn och scenarioanalys, resilient digitalisering, vattenförsörjningsfrågor samt via rådgivning till kost- och måltidsorganisationer. I det här inspelade webbinariet riktat till kommunala krissamordnare ville vi fånga upp kommunernas behov gällande civil beredskap.