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The Connected Individual - Augmented & Personal

Society and industry need to develop the knowledge to assess the impact of a connected versus non-connected citizen. We also need to understand both the values ​​and risks of personalization.

Digitalization is changing the way actors interact and collaborate with information (data). One way to describe this shift is as a shift from mass production by Ford, to mass customization of Dell, and then personalization by Google. The technologies behind the digital economy enable personally tailored services on a massive scale, for free or at low prices, in exchange for people sharing information about their lives, their bodies, their behaviour, which is then stored, processed and transformed into continuous improvements in services. This means that how personal information is used is a crucial issue for any actor operating in the digital economy. Few actors can afford not to be involved.  

There are challenges for how information gathering can create better personal security and well-being in for example industry, healthcare, correctional services, schools and transport. Individuals that are connected and augmented in well-designed ways can gain empowerment, safety and comfort. But society and industry need to develop knowledge and the ability to assess the impact of a connected individual compared to an un-connected citizen. We also need to understand both the values and risks of connectivity and personalization. 

Our expertise meet challenges and opportunities in the connected individual with a transdisciplinary approach where social, societal, technical and judicial perspectives meet. Our goal is to create opportunities for envisioning the future and to unfold the risks digitalization bring for the individual.

RISE runs several projects where we create prototypes for new kinds of services and experiences with the individual in focus. We combine design methodology and theory with a broad know-how in technical development. For example, we look at how the experience and efficiency of services in the health sector are affected by new AI solutions. We investigate how the individual affects cyber security in the sharing of sensitive industrial data. We experiment and build prototypes with sensors and actuators for a safer traffic environment and more inclusive society.

Our approach includes working closely with end users, creating collaboration between different actors and creating conversations and visions through workshops, visualizations and by studying and discussing related literature.

Elsa Vaara
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Joshua Bronson

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Joshua Bronson

Senior Researcher

+46 10 228 40 75

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