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Sweden gathers competence in additive manufacturing

The Application Center for Additive Manufacturing is now open - for partners and industry who want to take advantage of the cutting-edge expertise and infrastructure for additive manufacturing that is in place in the center.

On 31 May 2022, just over 130 people gathered at RISE in Mölndal to take part in the inauguration of the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing. Among the participants were the center's 16 partners from industry and academia, the center's financiers and a number of other stakeholders. Participants were invited on a tour, guided by RISE researchers in additive manufacturing.

– It was a well-organized tour that gave everyone, regardless of background knowledge, a basic understanding of what can be done in the center. As a partner, I know the facility well from before, but it was still interesting to see the six different stations and hear RISE experts present them, said Karl Neulinger, from RENA Technologies Austria.

Will accelerate the development of additive manufacturing

The inauguration ceremony began with a panel discussion on the importance of the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing in strengthening the industry's competitiveness and contributing to its sustainable transformation.

– This is a milestone for Swedish industry. The constellation of companies, academia and region we see here is a perfect example of how RISE can help the business community strengthen its international competitiveness, said Pernilla Walkenström, Senior Vice President, Materials and production at RISE.

The contribution to the industry's sustainable transformation was something that was highlighted by Kristina Jonäng (C), chair of the regional development committee in the Västra Götaland region, at the same time as she hopes that the investment will generate new jobs in the region:

– Additive manufacturing is one of the new resource-efficient manufacturing methods that, in addition to more circular material flows, is needed to make the future industry more sustainable. The investment in the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing both broadens and strengthens Västra Götaland's position in innovation and sustainable and digital manufacturing methods.

Competence along the value chain

The Application Center for Additive Manufacturing is an open test bed, which means that it will be used by both the center's partners and the industry. The center has expertise and infrastructure throughout the additive manufacturing ecosystem, which was important for Siemens Energy to become a partner in the AM center.

– In order to succeed in industrializing additive manufacturing, the entire value chain must be taken into account. It is virtually impossible for a company to cover all aspects of the value chain as it requires significant investment as well as extensive expertise and resources. Cooperation between several parties is necessary, said Vladimir Navrotsky, Vice President Technology and Innovation, Siemens Energy.

Cutting-edge research and support for companies

In addition to new industry-related solutions, research in additive manufacturing is very important to be at the forefront of technology, which is why Chalmers is a partner.

– Chalmers looks with great enthusiasm at the new center. It will strengthen the already active collaboration in additive manufacturing between Chalmers and RISE. Gothenburg will have an infrastructure for research and development in additive manufacturing, from basic process research to introduction into large-scale industrial operations. This provides the conditions for the region's industry to be able to make full use of the technology's opportunities, said Johan Malmqvist, professor and Head of Division Product Development at Chalmers.

The Additive Manufacturing Application Center and its partners will run regional, national and European research projects together. The new knowledge will be translated into new and unique educations to support more companies in their additive journey.

Modul-System, headquartered in Gothenburg, is another company that is a partner center.

– AM-center gives us more muscle and opportunities, among other things by being able to learn from RISE and other partners in the center. Taking part in and sharing knowledge within the center will enable us to develop faster in additive manufacturing, says David Mickelson, CEO of Modul-System.

Time for the next phase

The inauguration ended with Pernilla Walkenström from RISE handing over a 3D-printed boat to the center's financier Västra Götaland region, which was received by Kristina Jonäng and to Seyed Hosseini, responsible for the center. The boat is a miniature of Europe's first 3D-printed motorboat, printed in one piece at RISE.

– We have worked quite some time to get all the pieces in place, and it feels fantastic to finally be able to inaugurated the AM Center. Now we are entering the next phase, working hands-on with the AM-technology as well as its eco-system. Together with our partners and customers we will explore the benefits and solve various industrial challenges to push the technology more to the market, sayd Seyed Hosseini, leader of the center.

More information in Swedish

On our Swedish page we have some supplementary material in the form of filmed interviews (in Swedish) with financiers and partners in the AM Center.

Inauguration AM Center
Inauguration of AM Center, RISE team
Inauguration AM Center conversation
Inauguration AM Center
Inauguration AM Center panel discussion
Inauguration of the AM Center
Inauguration of the AM Center
Marie-Louise Bergholt

Contact person

Marie-Louise Bergholt

Director Application Center for Additive Manufacturing

+46 10 516 60 85

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